Thursday, March 6, 2014

My First Humiliation or Learning

So here I am with my first blog. After all long introspection I decided that this should be my first topic as it’s a very old incident from my childhood which I still remember and would never forget in my life.

I was bright student in Primary School always amongst the top 2 with fierce competition between me and my close friend Jigu. (Majority of time he took the top honors but I have triumphed him a few times). I still remember small Congratulations greeting which my class teacher use to give me and that always used to keep me motivated to finish in Top. I was not the geeky type (if it ever applies at such small age) and was caught multiple times breaking the rules like playing with WWE cards or Flying Disc but being a bright student helps and used to get away with minimum or no punishment.

After finishing Primary School, My Parents wanted me to learn Marathi as they thought its important living in Maharashtra. Additionally, all toppers use to be in Marathi Class and my parents wanted me to be competitive (No offence meant to Hindi and Gujarati class). My Headmaster requested my parents to put me in Gujarati Class (I was studying in Gujarati Education Society School) but my parents were firm and I was admitted in Section D in Fifth Standard where first language was Marathi. I hardly knew anyone in the class and had almost no friends initially.

So finally the day arrived, it was in the first few months and I had hardly learnt any Marathi by then. I got late to school and class teacher was taking attendance. I requested permission to enter the class but to no avail. Next 5 minutes, I was standing on the class door with mouth shut. He was speaking a lot of things may be scolding, asking questions, telling me to get out but I was still standing there like a Zombie not able to open mouth as all his words were in Marathi. Finally my friend Suchita came to my rescue who explained the class teacher that I don’t understand Marathi. Some more scolding in Alien language happened and finally I was allowed to enter the Class.

In the break, I asked few students what he was telling and that’s where I felt bigger shock and humiliation. He was scolding my parents for getting me admitted to Marathi Class. Majority of his statements were like why parents admit kids in Marathi when they both don't know anything (Marathi). I was depressed the entire day. I was young but mature enough to understand someone has insulted my parents.

I still think about that incident sometimes and wonder was these words expected from a teacher. I was a young student trying to learn something and thought what kind of impression it leaves on students who were able to understand the conversation. Many times people are teased for not able to speak proper English, but do we really know their background. I am not trying to blame the teacher in any way through this post but I think people have to be very cautious with the words.

As someone has famously quoted, Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye”.